Author: Lillian Magidow

Asian, sides, squash, vegetarian-friendly

Simmered Kabocha Squash

I got this wonderfully simple recipe from the Kitazawa Seed Co. catalog, though mom says she used to make it all the time, which must be why it tastes so comfortingly familiar. I like to make it when I’m feeling under the weather, but in general it’s a useful and colorful side-dish, especially for Japanese-style […]

beans, Italian, noodles, soup, stew, vegetables

Minestrone Soup

My minestrone, made with potatoes, carrots, small red beans, green beans, fresh tomatoes, and sproingy noodles. All just stuff I had on hand. I just learned a great tip for making this free-form soup: add a couple spoonfuls of pesto at the end! I thought I should post the recipe (or more like, guidelines) as […]

breakfast, eggs, European


Alex requested this recipe, which was a fun opportunity to look at my Jr. High School-era handwriting on the recipe card. I learned to make pannekoeken in Home Ec. in 7th grade (surely that class has since been eliminated or at least renamed) . It is like a large popover or a very eggy panckake […]

BBQ, eggs, grilling, jerk, meat, pork

Spareribs part 2: jerk

This is the 2nd half of the spareribs I braised before. I prepared them jerk style, but sorta half assed so while they still turned out delicious, they did not spirit my palate away to the Caribbean. The jerk marinade was about 1 part cider vinegar, 1 part water, half a lime’s juice, a bunch […]

bacon, chicken, herbs, Italian, pork, sauces

Chicken Saltimbocca

I haven’t been cooking that much lately (my energies have instead been spent on pickling and preserving things), but tonight I got back into the kitchen and put together an excellent meal. Saltimbocca (literally, ‘jumps in your mouth’) can be made with chicken, veal, or pork cutlets, and this time I opted for boneless, skinless […]

apples, dessert, pie

Emma Fischer’s Apple Pudding

I can’t believe that I haven’t posted this until now. This is the Magidow family’s all-time favorite recipe involving apples; it was given to me by a dear friend who died an early and untimely death; each time I make it I think of her. To Toni! Fill buttered baking dish with chopped and peeled […]

breakfast, Jewish, matzo, pancakes

Sea Foam Pancakes

A good old Magidow recipe, posted here for posterity so I don’t have to search around my computer for the recipe every time I need it: 3 egg yolks1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 cup cold water3/4 cup matzo meal3 egg whites, stiffly beatenfat for deep frying Beat together the egg yolks, salt, water. Stir in the matzo […]

baked entrees, beef, braising, technique

Braised spareribs

Here are some tasty meaty bits prepared via my favorite method: braising. Quick recap: this means browning in a heavy pan at very high heat to get a tasy sear, then covering the meat about halfway with a flavorful liquid, sealing the pan as airtight as possible, and baking it at a relatively very low […]