American, baked entrees, DIY, hot dish, leftovers, pie

Hot Water Pastry Recipe

Yeah, my pie pretty much owns. Hot water pastry was mentioned in this Leftover Pot-Pie recipe. Inspired by a discussion about baking ratios and receiving some leftover turkey and stock from Thanksgiving, I decided to refine the crust recipe and write it out more explicitly. This crust is more suited to hot savory pies than […]

chicken, DIY, meat, roasting, technique, turkey

Brining Basics

This topic keeps coming up and it can be hard to find a definitive guide when you’re in the heat of the kitchen moment. I’ll try to sum up the most important facts about brining. Brining is a great way to tenderize and add flavor to meat. It is more effective than marinating, which can […]

Asian, DIY, pickling, radishes

Rosy Radish Water Kimichi

The first harvest of my garden has arrived, in the form of red radishes! The variety I grew is called Shunkyo Semi-long and I chose it because it matures quickly. Unfortunately (or so I thought) these radishes are too spicy for comfortable snacking or use in salads. I couldn’t let them go to waste, but […]


Lillian’s Gardening Blog

Hello Extra Schmaltz readers! I’ve created another blog to record my gardening endeavors for future reference. It’s mostly for my own use, but you might find it of interest. Here’s the link: Lillian’s Gardening Notebook. I’ll be back to posting recipes once I get all my seeds planted.

cheese, dairy, DIY, Italian

Making Mozzarella

So, this weekend I finally tackled mozzarella. My friends Kevin and Ranae have a cow and are selling awesome raw milk to folks in the department (on the down low, of course). I didn’t have great luck with making yogurt, since I had no idea what I was doing, so for some reason I decided […]