

Minestrone II

 WHITE BEAN MINESTRONE Adapted from recipe by Martha Rose Shulman (perhaps my favorite chef…She also has a version with squash that I’ll have to try some day.) Serves 4-6 2 Tb. olive oil 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 carrot, finely chopped 1 celery stalk, finely chopped 2 Tb. chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 4 garlic […]


Hatomugi Porridge – aka Boatmeal

I’ve been bugging mom for ages to give me this recipe, only to find out a) it doesn’t actually involve hatomugi, and b) it’s super simple and easy. Combine the following ingredients in a slow cooker, set to cook for 10 hours or so overnight:1/2 part barley1/2 part oats4 parts water (maybe a little more […]


Yogi Tea (Chai)

This is a recipe* that I used back in the ’70s BC (before children). I rediscovered chai recently and have tried many brands that are premixed. This is an easy-to-make, great drink for a cold winter day, and in the warm months it is delicious chilled. The directions are for stove-top preparation, but I seem […]


Roasted Bananas?

While roasting trays of mixed vegetables one day, I had the bright idea of trying another approach to cooking fruit. I like it so much better cooked, and it seems much easier to digest. Here is what I did: 2 greenish bananas, sliced1 tbsp butter, melted Toss the banana slices with the butter gently (I […]


Turkey and Sweet Potato Curry

More turkey leftovers? I found this in the Star Tribune around Thanksgiving, and it is quite delicious and a nice change from the usual turkey Tetrazinni approach. I tweaked a few ingredients and made it as shown below: 2 TBSP finely grated fresh ginger2 TBSP finely chopped garlic1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes (or more, […]


Potato Croquettes

OK actually I call these potato patties (which might get confused with latkes), but you can be more lah-dee-dah and call this form of Operation Icebox ‘croquettes’. It’s really just a way to use leftover mashed potatoes. Ingredients: leftover mashed potatoeschives or green onions, mincedbacon bits (optional)spices, salt & peppercheese?fat for frying Combine the mashed […]


Tasso ham

While we’re dry-rubbing-and-grilling… I got this recipe from the chef at la Grassa, and used it for the Tasso ham sandwiches we sold at the Summit IRA release party. This is an easy one to keep in the memory bank for when you to need to pack a wallop of flavor, cajun style. 1) Obtain […]


Cool treat

Copied shamelessly from TableTalk, the Salon.com blog: For those who’ve jumped on the fizzy water bandwagon, here’s a new soda. Rhubarb Soda:1.5 c chopped rhubarb, 1.5 c water, 1 c sugar — bring to boil, simmer for 15 minutes.Strain into a jar. Let cool. Pour a couple of ounces over ice in a tall glass […]


Easy bread pudding

This is actually an egg custard with some bread in it, but boy o boy, is it delicious. I use up all the old dry bread I can find: Butter baking pan (any kind will do – I use a round glass casserole pan) Add: 1 1/2 cups dry bread 1 cup milk 1 handful […]