
I’ve always been a big fan of crumpets, and so I spent a few days looking around online for recipes. Someone else appears to have done the same, and this recipe is based on hers but is hopefully a bit clearer. It might be worth noting that I also halved her recipe.

Due to the need for risings, etc, I’m not sure if this is a great breakfast recipe or not. Maybe you could make it the evening before, and then refrigerate the dough, but I think the best approach is to make them whenever and toast them later.

First, and most importantly, you’ll need something to cook the crumpets in – a circular cookie cutter is good. I’ve heard tuna cans suggested, but every can I’ve seen of that size has a special bottom that is made for better stacking but which you can’t cut off. It’s better to get something a bit larger, like a can for crushed pineapple, etc. I recommend having at least two.

2 c. flour
1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. sugar
1 c. room temp milk (30 seconds in a microwave or so ought to do it)
1/2 tsp. yeast

1 tsp. warm water + 1/8 tsp. baking soda

More water

1. Make sure the milk is not too warm if you heated it, then add the sugar and yeast. You can wait for it to proof just to be sure. Mix the flour and salt, then combine. Whisk for a few minutes, then cover and place in a warm place.

2. Let rise until doubled, then whisk for a little bit to release the CO2, then add the water-baking soda mix, and let rise again.

3. When doubled again, or thereabouts (a full second rise probably isn’t absolutely necessary), start warming the pan you plan to cook them in. I found that I had to keep the heat pretty low, so as not to burn the bottoms. I also had one of my nifty silicone brushes in a small glass with some oil to help grease things. Start adding water and whisking vigorously until the batter reaches the consistency of a thin, smooth pancake batter. You need the batter to spread out once you put it in the pan, and you might have to test the batter in the pan to make sure it’s the right consistency.

4. Place the cookie cutters on the pan, and use something to grease them. Put a SMALL quantity of batter in each one – if you put in too much, you’ll get English muffins. I think the ideal quantity is around 2 Tbsp or so.

5. When cooking the muffins, you have to wait until the tops are totally cooked – if you flip them too early, you’ll end up smooshing out the all important holes and reduce the butter holding capacity of the crumpet. You’ll be able to tell when the top is done cooking by the color. Also, hold in mind that this means the bottom will be cooking for a while – make sure it’s not burning, but it’s good for the bottom of the crumpet to be nicely crispy.

This crumpet needs to cook a bit longer.

Now it’s ready to be flipped.

6. When the crumpet has produced all the holes it can make, remove the mold and flip and brown the top briefly.

Enjoy with plenty of butter and jam. Makes 10-20 depending on the size of your molds, etc.

And here they all are: