Easter in Lyon

I haven’t been keeping very good records of what I’ve been cooking in France, but this is probably the tastiest dish I actually remembered to photograph. I made this a few weeks back when I was in Lyon; after 3 days of seeing the city and ahem..living the night life, we were all pretty tired and broke, and it was a grey rainy easter monday where we had been hoping for sunshine. We decided to hit the local croix rousse market, and I made good use of the fresh veggies there. It’s pretty simple so this will be short. Basically, fresh veggies + olive oil=spring time yum.

Green onions, both white oniony bits and green crispy bits
Some kind of mushroom – I think what I used was chantarelle but nobody was really sure. Ceps would be good.
Pasta – for something like this (olive oil based sauce with chunks) I like a noodle
Cheese- parmesan is always best, here I think I used some leftover handfuls of emmental

I chopped everything pretty coarse like, except the carrots which are sliced thin and on the bias. I just sweated all the veggies in copius olive oil starting with the carrots and asparagus since they take the longest to cook, and ending with the green bits of the onions since they get mushy and lose flavor if you over cook them by adding them with the rest. I fried up some boneless-skinless chicken breasts separately, diced them, and threw them in with the veggies right before plating.
Tossed in with the pasta and more olive oil, some handfuls of cheese, salt, and pepper. The last part is my favorite trick; crack in a raw egg once plated. This will impart a subtle unctuousness to the pasta once mixed in, as well as help the sauce stick to the noodles. Final garnish was with some chopped sun dried tomatoes from the olive merchant which were in some kind of olive oil preparation.

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