Enchiladas Verdes

Well, we can’t have a red enchilada recipe without a green enchilada recipe! Heck, we even have a half-assed mole enchilada recipe. I took it upon myself to make these from scratch, since it seems like there are always tomatillos for sale around here, and my food processor is working again. You can use canned sauce instead, if you like.

Salsa Verde

1.5 lbs (6-7) tomatillos
1 large onion
2-4 chiles verdes
3 cloves garlic
1 lime, juiced
1 small handful cilantro
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
2 tsp. salt, or to taste
1 tsp. sugar, or to taste
1 c. chicken broth, with extra chicken boullion added

Remove tomatillo husks and cut onion in half. Place tomatillos, onion, and chiles underneath the broiler (or on the grill) to roast, turning a few times as needed. When they have lots of brown, roasty edges, remove them and let cool. Remove the roasted skin from the chiles.

Feed all sauce ingredients into food processor and process until you have a chunky-smooth sauce. You will probably have sauce left over, and it’s great on chips, tacos, etc…

Enchilada Filling

This can be whatever you want, even just plain chicken. I’m posting what I used most recently.

3 c. cooked chicken, pulled apart
1 c. cooked chorizo
3 green onions, diced
3/4 lb. melty white cheese, shredded + 1/4 c. for topping
1/2 c. sour cream
chicken broth to make the filling moist and mixable, if needed
salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 350. Combine filling ingredients. Heat 15-18 corn tortillas in a small amount of oil until they soften. Grease a large, flat baking pan, and then spread a layer of salsa verde on the bottom. Place a reasonable amount of filling on a tortilla, roll it up (don’t bother tucking the ends in), and place it seam-down in the pan. Pack the tortillas into the pan (this recipe made enough enchiladas to fill my pan, which holds 15 tortillas, plus some extra). Smother with salsa verde and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 25-30 minutes until they are heated through and the cheese is bubbly and browned.

Note: I don’t bother with the tortilla-dipping step for this recipe–since this is a moist filling, I don’t think it needs it. If you are using only plain meat or meat+onions for the filling, you will want to dip the tortillas before rolling them up.

Serve with more salsa verde, because it’s so damn good!