Mana’iish Za`tar

So this should take the cake as one of the easiest recipes posted so far. It’s actually related to all of the fataayir recipes Lillian has been posting – this is one particularly popular variation that is good for a quick breakfast item, or for something to impress guests with:

1 can Pillsbury biscuit dough
Za`tar spice mix (available at Arabic grocery stores)
Olive Oil

Mix the za`tar with the olive oil until it forms a liquidy paste. It will need to be liquid enough to be easily spread on the dough.

Roll the biscuit dough out into large, thin circles. Crimp the edges by pinching around the perimeter (not strictly necessary, but looks cool). Spread za`tar olive oil mix on top. Bake at 350, but near the end of the cooking time, be really careful not to burn then, since there’s a thin line between done and cremated.

You can obviously use any topping you want – traditionally, this shape is used with the za`tar paste, or with that crumbly, salty white middle eastern cheese, with a few sesame seeds as well. You could put any of the toppings suggested by Lillian but make sure meat is ground very finely.

I took a picture, but only after taking a few bites to confirm that it was indeed delicious:

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