
Betsy’s Shortbread Bites
(from King Arthur Flour 200th Anniversary Cookbook)

These delicate cookies are tiny mouthfuls of melt-in-your-mouth shortbread. It is almost like making pastry, and not difficult at all. I saved half the dough in the fridge for later, which is my favorite way to make cookies. Not only do you have more for later (Surprise! What’s in this Tupperware?) but they don’t all get eaten on the first day.

2 cups all-purpose flour (I use spelt, but any old white flour will do)
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
1/4 cup sugar (really!)
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla
confectioner’s sugar

Combine flour, sugar, butter, and salt with pastry blender or fingers. Add vanilla and mix with a fork. Cover dough and chill until firm or overnight. (2 hours is plenty)

Preheat oven to 350.

Roll small pieces of fough between palms of hands into tiny little balls about 1/2″ in diameter and place on greased (or non-stick) cookie sheet. Bake for about 12 mins. or until golden.

Cool thoroughly on rack and shake them gently in a bag of powdered sugar. Make sure they are completely cool or the sugar won’t stick – honest!

Best served on a cute little dish, like from your old tea party set.

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