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Asian, greens, meat, pork, soup

Lion’s Head Meatball Soup

This soup gets its name from the dubious observation that the meatballs look like a lion’s face and the greens look like its mane. I don’t see it, but it’s a pretty badass name. It’s also a pretty badass soup and easy to make. I based my recipe on this one at Melting Wok, which […]


Dark Beer Bread

So the Great Dane Pub in Madison, Wisconsin, has amazing beer, but also amazing beer bread. It’s dark, moist and delicious. I’ve been wanting to figure out how to make something like it for a while, and finally realized it’s a bit like a Russian black bread. This was my first attempt to make it. […]

Asian, braising, chicken, meat, pork

Chicken Adobo

It’s our 200th recipe! (Or at least the 200th post). Things have slowed down a bit since our family doesn’t have as much free time at the moment, but I think that with the winter weather the blog posts will pick up again. Here’s an easy, flavorful, and inexpensive recipe that deserves to be part […]

American, bread, dumplings, soup

Baking Powder Dumplings

This is Mom’s standard dumpling recipe, excellent with chicken soup. Drop them in, put the lid on, and enjoy. Ingredients:2 cups flour4 teaspoons baking powder1/2 teaspoon salt1 scant cup milk or water Preparation:Mix the dry ingredients, stir in the milk or water gradually to make a soft dough. Drop by spoonful into boiling salted water […]

American, entree, Latin, stew

Harried Mom Style Chili

I recall making this very simple recipe many times as a young’un, when Mom was really busy working and herding us kids around. It was a bit of a standard, along with noodle kugel, that was easy enough for kids to make (and explains why it is not quite as complicated most of the recipes […]

salad, sides, vegetarian-friendly

Carrot Salad with Raisins

I sort of invented this salad tonight, but I feel like I may have had something very similar before. It’s very refreshing and light. All ingredients below are approximate and should be adjusted to taste. I gave the measurements for the dressing just for an idea of proportions. Combine:Carrots, gratedRaisins, blanched and cooled(Optional) walnuts, crushed […]

breakfast, eggs

Omelet Fillings

So I was making omelets the other day, and I was thinking it might be fun to have a list of interesting omelet fillings, for those days when you want to try something new. Since I can’t figure out how to let us all edit this post, we should add more ideas in the comments. […]

bread, Middle Eastern

Moroccan Bread

This is a recipe for the basic bread used in Morocco in the same way flatbread is used in the eastern Mediterranean, i.e. to pick up food items, especially from very liquid dishes such as tajines. It’s a somewhat trickier technique – you want to get larger pieces that are flatter than the loaf as […]