Red Wine Bok Choi

Hello all,

Here is a recipe from my friend and co-worker Kristine (there’s a link to her photography on the side-bar). Looks like she measures things the same way we do! This makes a great veggie side-dish or light meal:

Try this very simple recipe when you have some bok choi. I’ve made it twice so far and really like it! I’m calling it red wine bok choi.

Coarsely chop a mound of washed bok choi and saute it with about 1/2 cup of walnuts and ~1/2 cup of dried cranberries. I was pleased using safflower oil. Add a couple spills of red wine (I’m guessing that translates to a little less than a 1/4 cup). Add salt to taste. Saute for about 10-15 minutes or until bok choi is still a little crunchy. That’s it! Serve over quinoa (rinse this grain well then saute with garlic before cooking) and top with parmesan cheese.
